Campaign for a living wage

A campaign has been launched by Unite the Union and FairPensions JustPay! which aims to permanently embed Living Wage standards in the UK’s private sector, beginning with the biggest companies on the London Stock Exchange, namely the FTSE 100. The main focus at this time is the finance sector. The campaign has been launched in Lloyds TSB, but is relevant to the whole sector. The campaign aims to secure the support of major investors including pension funds and City fund managers as lead activist investors, as well as to mobilise the public. People don’t have to be a shareholder to get involved, employees are clearly important too. Together we hold billions of pounds through our bank accounts, ISA’s, pensions and even insurance policies. This gives us the power to positively influence some of the biggest companies in the world. We believe that activating the power of our organised money can literally change lives, helping to lift families out of working poverty.

Click here for further information and the online petition.

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