Archive for AXA Commercial & PLI

New reps nationwide

The following members have volunteered to become local union reps across the business and help make AXA a better place to work, assisting their colleagues with workplace issues:

Cheryl Nelson (Bristol), Claire Robinson (Gloucester), David Dolan (Middlesbrough), Michael Sullivan & Gina Cole (Morecambe) and Charlotte Bonser (Stockton)

Thanks to all for volunteering.


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AXA change contracts

Click here to read the latest Unite in AXA newsletter on the changes to working hours in AXA Business Insurance Glasgow.

Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.

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The time bandits?

Click here to read the latest Unite in AXA newsletter on the new flexitime charter introduced in Commercial.

Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.

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