Archive for Redundancy

Jobs lost in Ipswich travel…

Following the exit of the Lloyds Banking Group scheme in November 2021, AXA Insurance have announced their intentions to reduce the number of staff employed within the travel insurance area of the business. This is due to a decrease in the number of staff required to support the function, as AXA UK plans to leave the travel insurance market.

Whilst many have been able to seek alternative redeployment within AXA, there will still be the loss of 73 jobs.

Unite in AXA are hosting a surgery on Friday for members impacted, between 12 and 1:30pm. Please contact one of your reps, who can send you the details. If you require any help or support, a list of your reps can be found here.

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Widespread redundancies in AXA Claims…

Yesterday’s announcement in claims of the loss of 280 roles is extremely disappointing, even though this is mitigated by around 70 vacancies that will not be now filled being included in the total. Unite in AXA have been involved in a lengthy and detailed consultation process over the last few months regarding the business review challenging the company plans robustly. 

Whilst the business case is understandable, we are extremely disappointed that over the last few years AXA Insurance allowed the problems within Claims to grow to a point that now over 200 hard working and dedicated staff are facing redundancy through no fault of their own. 

The timing of the announcement and job losses is also disappointing given the negative impact on the jobs market due to Coronavirus. AXA have confirmed that in addition to the normal support staff at risk of redundancy receive, they are also engaging with other companies who are looking to recruit to facilitate impacted workers finding new jobs.

If you are a member at risk of redundancy, please speak to your local union rep if you need help or support. A list can be found here.

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Improvement in ex-Prospero and Sims redundancy terms…

Earlier in the year we raised the issue of banked legacy redundancy times for employees originally employed by Prospero that were worse than the harmonised redundancy terms with the company. The effect of this is that members of this population could, on average, receive £7000 less redundancy pay than if it all been calculated on current AXA terms.

We are pleased to advise that after negotiations, AXA Insurance have agreed to remove any banking that is worse than the harmonised than the current terms, so over one hundred members of staff who initially started work for Prospero or Sims have had their redundancy pay terms improved by several thousand pounds in the unfortunate case that they are made redundant.

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