Pay 2024: claim submitted…
Unite in AXA have issued a newsletter on the 2024 pay claim submitted to the company today. Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.
Unite in AXA have issued a newsletter on the 2024 pay claim submitted to the company today. Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.
Following submitting the results of the Professional Grade pay distribution survey to the company and engaging in discussions with them, AXA UK have agreed that the pay awards for Professional grade employees will be calculated in 2024 using the pay matrix, rather than manager discretion.
Thanks to everyone who completed the survey and provided feedback, and to the reps who worked hard at persuading the company to change the distribution back to the approach favoured by employees.
Unite in AXA have issued a newsletter with the results of the recent pay survey. Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.
Unite in AXA have issued a newsletter as we start the 2024 pay round consulting with our members. Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.
Unite in AXA have issued a newsletter on the findings of our Customer Abuse survey and what action is being taken next to address the issues identified. Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.
All staff have the right not to be subject to any aggressive behaviour or abuse from customers. Unite in AXA have been approached by a number of members about abuse they have suffered so to understand the level of abuse, how widespread it is and whether it is centred in certain parts of the business we are surveying staff after which we will discuss the results with the company and look to resolve any issues identified.
The survey can be accessed here.
Over 400 of you completed our recent survey on Professional grade pay distribution and the results were as follows:
In favour of Manager Discretion – 16%
In favour of Pay Matrix – 72%
No preference – 7%
Don’t know – 5%
We have communicated the result to the company and we engage with them further on the subject.
By way of comparison when we last asked staff about Professional grade pay distribution (in 2019) the results were as follows:
In favour of Manager Discretion – 35%
In favour of Pay Matrix – 45%
Don’t know – 20%
For a few years now the pay awards for Professional grade employees have been decided by the individual determination of their manager, rather than the pay matrix as previous, which is still used for Associate and Senior Associate Grade awards. This year however, given the cost of living crisis and soaring inflation, we agreed with the company that to ensure an element of certainty in what Professional staff would receive, that their pay awards would be decided using the pay matrix.
We are now engaged in discussion with the company as to whether annual Professional pay awards going forward should remain within the matrix or revert back to manager discretion.
It is argued that manager discretion is more nuanced and allows managers the ability to fix discrepancies. Counter arguments are that there is a lack of transparency, that to give one employee a higher award, it is at the expense of their colleagues due to the fixed pay pot, that there is no demonstrable benefit to the business in improvement retention or staff satisfaction and that managers time could be better used elsewhere.
As we represent Professional grades for consultation in AXA Commercial, AXA Retail and AXA UK Centralised Functions (IT, HR, Finance etc), we want to hear from you and what your thoughts are as to the approach you would prefer to see going forward by competing this short survey (click here)
Unite the Union‘s Finance sector is running a national survey for banking, insurance, building society and outsourced finance workers, to identify the number one workplace issue in the sector.
Please help us by completing the survey by clicking here.
The result of the 2023 pay ballot is as follows:
For: 71%
Against: 29%
We have communicated this to the company.
Thank you to everyone who voted and the local workplace reps for the hard work they put in running the ballot.